How to improve right-handed arpeggios on the guitar
Renaud Satre Renaud Satre

How to improve right-handed arpeggios on the guitar

Working on the back-and-forth: Back and forth is a fundamental technique for developing speed and fluidity in guitar playing. Practice back-and-forth exercises by alternating up-and-down pick strokes in a regular, controlled manner. Start slowly, concentrating on the precision of the movements, then gradually increase the speed.

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How to make your right hand more precise and efficient on the guitar
Renaud Satre Renaud Satre

How to make your right hand more precise and efficient on the guitar

Working on the back-and-forth: Back and forth is a fundamental technique for developing speed and fluidity in guitar playing. Practice back-and-forth exercises by alternating up-and-down pick strokes in a regular, controlled manner. Start slowly, concentrating on the precision of the movements, then gradually increase the speed.

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